Acros The Universe

Back to my favourite combination of last year,  the Yashica-Mat 124G and Fujifilm Neopan Acros. I shot this roll on a short walk around Cossington Meadows, the nature reserve I mentioned previously, that we’ve just moved within a couple of hundred meters of.

Most of these pictures were shot at f/32 and with either a yellow or orange filter. It was late in the day and raining, so there were some lengthy exposures. All were taken with a tripod.

I processed and scanned within a couple of hours of getting home, just because I needed my weekly fix…Cossington Meadows (1 of 7)Cossington Meadows (2 of 7)Cossington Meadows (3 of 7)Cossington Meadows (4 of 7)Cossington Meadows (6 of 7)20160409-Yash Neopan148


Yashica-Mat 124G, Fujifilm Neopan Acros 100, metered with an iPhone. Processed in Ilfotec HC for 6 minutes (at 18C) and scanned on an Epson v500. Photoshop got rid of the staggering amount of dust that the film had managed to accumulate.



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