
Week 49 of my 52 Rolls project was another during which I shot more than one roll of film. I posted about the first here – the second was a roll of Kodak TMax, shot through a Canon EOS5.

I’d been reading about ephem’s EOS3 and remembered that my friend Iain, who also uses an EOS3, used a multi-exposure mode that allowed you to select the number of exposures that a frame would see, and stop-down a suitable amount. On investigation, I was pleased to discoverer that my EOS5, a lower-spec. model shared the feature.week-49b

I had shot double-exposures with it previously, but only by reloading the film and hoping for decent frame alignment.  As feels the case for the whole year, I didn’t venture far from home for this roll and relied on my ever-willing model. The ground was frosty and so the shots of leaves that I used for the base patterns were nice and contrasty.


I also took a couple of snaps of the solargraphs that I have posted around the house. There are three in total – a beer can using 7″x5″ paper, and a couple of film canister cameras gaffer taped to guttering and a lamp. All three have been in place since October 1st and I plan to show you the results for my last update of the project…

Finally, one last snap taken in the city, of our ‘wheel of light’.week-49b-8


Canon EOS5 (the ‘plastic fantastic’), Canon 40mm STM, Kodak TMax processed at home in Ilford Ilfotec HC.


  1. Very nice doubles – they came out so well.

    On the EOS5, does the camera automatically adjust exposure depending on how many exposures you are going to layer? Subtracting 1 fstop for each exposure, or similar. Or do you need to do that part?

    I started to play with the feature on my Elan7N early in the year (I think it will do up to 9 exposures on a single frame), but have not returned to it. But, I have some Delta 400 in the EOS3 right now and your results are so nice I am tempted to give it a try once again. It could be a nice way to wrap up 2016.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, the EOS5 works in the same way. You choose how many exposures and it stops down automatically.
      I saw someone’s work earlier in the year and realised that the combination of a silhouette and a texture work well. I’ll try some colour ones next I think. That’ll add another dimension…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks Barnaby.

        I have been doing some manual diving – a time consuming exercise at the best of times, let alone with side by side manuals. I was left with the impression that the Elan 7N works as you describe, with automatic exposure compensation that depends on the number of exposures chosen. But when I looked at the manual again, it seems that exposure compensation must be set manually. This is also the case for Elan II, IIe and the EOS3.

        So, I have just been experimenting with that on the EOS3. The EOS3 has an exposure compensation range set with a button of -3 to +3 EV, so is more easily used for many multiple exposures than the Elan series cameras with a -2 to +2 EV range. Of course with any of these cameras the exposure can be set manually too, or you can reset the ISO to the same effect.

        In the Elan 7N manual is an interesting note which may apply to other cameras (depending on film transport arrangements?): “If you shoot multiple exposures on the first few or last few frames of a roll, the
        multiple exposures might not be precisely aligned due to the film curling.”

        A photo class manual for the Elan II/IIe/ and EOS 50/50e indicates that you can get more than 9 exposures on a single frame (the apparent maximum on the display). This is done before one reaches the last exposure in a series by following the instructions to reset the number of exposures and reset it back to 9, or other amount, which will be added to what you have already shot.


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